My introduction to breaking
What made me discover breaking was when I was watching TV at home in Tanzania in 2002. I was watching music videos and came across :Its Like That- Run DMC. I was fascinated with the power moves, and footwork that the dancers were doing on the floor. Of course at that time I didn't know what the dance was called. We didn't have internet either so I couldn't look it up. The combination of the breaking and the music was what got me hooked. The same year I moved to India, to my hometown Dehradun where I "got down" or was "put down to breaking". I had a friend who liked Hip Hop music whose name was Anand Chopra. He had a big collection of MP3s on his computer and I had a CD case . We would exchange and share music and spend time at his house (he had a much bigger collection at that time). Occasionally we would hang out at the only cafe in town, Barrista which is near Ashley Hall . We would have coffee and since we knew the guys who worked t...